On the Issues That Matter Most



  • As a member of Congress I will support our military and our veterans. No Veteran that has ever served this country should ever lack care for their physical or mental health.

  • Progressive Democrats want to defund the police and shut down law enforcement across the country. Our Law Enforcement Officers perform a dangerous and often thankless job to enforce our laws and protect us from criminals. I will always stand in support of our Law Enforcement Officers.

  • We have potentially as many as 20 million people that are living illegally in the United States. And as many as 9 Million have crossed the border since Joe Biden’s Open Borders Policy started 3 years ago. I promise to you that I will work with other Republicans to shut our border to illegal immigration, sex trafficking of children, and fentanyl. We need to stop catch and release, streamline and expand our guest worker program, and stop federal funds from going to sanctuary cities.

  • Under President Trump, we had a booming economy with low gas prices and non-existent inflation. Families could buy groceries and a home, and household income was higher than at any point in our history. Now, though, North Carolina families are struggling. With three years of Bidenomics behind us, gas prices have nearly doubled, groceries are unaffordable, and the American Dream of young families buying their first home is unattainable for many. I promise you that I will fight for the American Worker and stop unnecessary job-killing regulations and high taxes. And I will work to rebuild the American economy after the financial devastation of the Joe Biden Administration. And as a member of Congress, I will work hard to bring back good-paying manufacturing jobs to America. We can rebuild manufacturing in America.

  • I believe that hard-working taxpayers deserve a government that tries to be efficient and good stewards of the tax money provided by the citizens. The goal should be cutting regulations and red tape to make government work for the people. We can cut spending and get the government out of the way so that our small businesses and farmers can grow and create jobs. A smaller government that spends less and a growing economy are what is necessary to begin paying down our National debt. All across North Carolina, middle-class families must live within their means, and the Federal government should have to do the same. I support a balanced budget law that requires Washington to pass a balanced budget every year. As a County Commissioner, we had to have a balanced budget. And if we can do it, the Federal Government can do it as well.

  • I am Pro-Life, and I believe that human life begins at conception, and I will fight to protect the lives of unborn babies.

  • Every child deserves a quality education, and I believe that is the best way to ensure a promising future for our students. The Federal Government should get out of the way of States’ and Local School Boards’ educational efforts.

  • I believe that if we do not have election integrity, then we do not have a Republic. There is no reason we should not have election security processes in place that will give people trust in our elections. That is why I support a National Voter ID law to safeguard our sacred right to vote. I also support requiring states to purge deceased and ineligible voters from their voter rolls and prohibiting private organizations and people such as Bill Gates, George Soros, and Mark Zuckerburg from funding Boards of Elections offices, equipment, or training. I also support a Federal law requiring paper ballots and prohibiting mass mailing of ballots, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, and ballots being mailed to any voter without that voter requesting it.

  • I myself am for an “All of the above strategy” when it comes to energy. We should use every source that makes financial sense. We have more oil reserves than Russia and Saudia Arabia combined. We should be pumping it out of the ground, putting oil wells off the coasts, pumping out more oil in Alaska, digging our coal, producing more natural gas, building more nuclear reactors, and supporting Research and Development at our Colleges and Universities to develop better technologies to power our country. And this is vitally important for creating tomorrow’s manufacturing jobs.

    Being reliant on foreign sources for our energy needs costs us good-paying American energy jobs, makes our enemies wealthy, and aligns more countries with our adversaries because the U.S. can’t sell them the energy they need.

    By using our resources wisely, opening up the land to drill for more oil and gas, fixing the federal licensing process for new nuclear plants, and cutting regulations and red tape for all energy companies, we can unleash American Energy and be 100% energy-independent, protect the national interests of the United States, help lower energy costs for everyone, and still protect our environment.

  • A nation that cannot feed itself will fall. Our Farmers and others who are in Agriculture and Forestry deserve our thanks and our support in Congress. They are the backbone of our country, and I will fight to ensure that the bureaucrats in Washington are not allowed to regulate our farmers out of business. Congress needs to ensure better free trade policies that help American farmers and protect our domestic food supply from unfair foreign competition. Farming is a National Security issue and we must protect our family farms

  • If elected, I will consider it part of my duties to work with our County, City, and Town officials. As a former county commissioner, I was very disappointed in the lack of communication between our elected federal officials and local governments. I will stay in contact with our local officials about what needs to be done in their jurisdictions and try to identify ways that my office could help them when possible.

  • I support the 2nd Amendment. I believe we all have a Constitutional right to defend our lives, families, and property.

  • Members of Congress spend too much time fundraising for Campaign Contributions. Go to the Federal Elections Commission website and search any member of Congress to see where their money is coming from and where they are spending it. I think you will be shocked at what you will find. I will always support Term Limits so that we do not end up with Career Politicians who will never leave office willingly. We need people in Congress who do this as a service to their Country, not as a job. We need Business people, former military, and other leaders who are willing to step up and serve in Congress for a limited time and then move on so that people with new ideas and new ways of looking at things can be involved. Look at how many people in Congress have been there 20 years or longer, and they still keep campaigning for more time. We don’t need more Nancy Pelosi’s, Diane Feinstein’s, or Mitch McConnell’s. If we are going to get this country back from the Career Politicians who have manipulated the system for their own benefit, then we must have Term Limits. We as voters say that we support Term Limits but we keep voting in the same people election after election.